[Louisiana] Monday. Got to work on Clothing return in morning, when the Colonel came in with our Co. pay rolls which I had made out the last of December, & said the men must sign them as soon as possible, as the payment was here ready to pay off the reg. immediately. Sent out for the Company to come in from drill, & spent the forenoon in getting them to sign. Lt. R. then took the rolls & went out where Lt. J. & some of the men were on picket—got their signatures, & returned. I then went down to the hospital & had the sick men sign. All were able to do so except York, who was too feeble. I found Gorham Gould much better, & contrary to my expectation, able to sign his name. While in the room with Gould a young man by the name of Bragdon of Dover, belonging to Co. I was taken with an epileptic fit, and died in a few minutes. Thus suddenly our men taken away. May we all give heed to the warning, “Be ye also ready.” I found Corp. Varney, who has appeared lately to be gaining, feeling very much discouraged about himself. I have always felt much interest in him, & have had strong homes of his recovery, but fear that in his present despondency the case is at least a doubtful one. I also found Albert Brown taking a discouraging view of his case—said he was growing weaker, was losing his appetite, & that his diarrhea had set in again. I wish to do all I can for the comfort of these sick men but can be but little in their present situation. If they could have the care and the little luxuries that they would have at home I believe they would get well—as things are here their cases are discouraging.