The men awoke pretty well rested, but many of them rather foot-sore. Spent the day quietly in camp, getting rested. This march was altogether the hardest we have ever had, & was no doubt designed partly as a “toughener” for others that are to follow. A long train of empty wagons followed us up yesterday, & turned off toward the river a little to the rear of the spot where we formed in line & brought out 100 bales of cotton which they carried to Baton Rouge on acct. of Government. It would probably have seen been burned by guerillas had it not been secured as it was. Some think that the sole object of our move was to secure this cotton, & perhaps it “paid” aside from the discipline the men received. A company made up by details from all the companies of our Reg. & commanded by Capt. Wood, was sent this afternoon to Baton Rouge to bring up all the men of the Brigade that were left behind either sick in tents or hospitals that may now be able to march, & all stragglers that are there.
Sergt. Chapman & two men went from our Co. The man have got pretty well rested today, & by another day will be all ready for another March if wanted. Through the goodness of God my health & strength have been continued to me, and I have borne the fatigue of our marches as well as the strongest man of my company.
Diary of Isaac Winslow Case [Miscellaneous Manuscript Collections]