Hd. qrs. 11th Corps, Warrenton Junction, Va.
My dear Mother,
If we could have known that the Army would lie still so long we might have been home by this time. Yet we may move before another four days or even another two days expire. I got letters from Dellie & Rowland each telling about the Draft. Hope you will find it convenient to go up and visit Rowland. He can tell you a great deal about our daily life which was striking to him and he would remember but which does not come to my mind in writing. It has continued very warm but last night we had a shower which cooled off the air a little.
I am going to ride to Hd. qrs. with Otis this morning to Warrenton 9 miles or more.
I answer to a letter he had written Otis received one from the President in which he expressed great regret that Lee was allowed to escape but on the whole said he had determined to be grateful for what had been done & not complain about what had not been accomplished.
He spoke in high terms of Genl. Meade – Otis had written of his own accord in commendations of Gen. Meade for fear he (Meade) might be removed or his resignation accepted as he (Meade) requested after Lee’s escape. (Halleck had sent some complaining messages.) Otis thinks no better man for the place can be found at present.
I hope your health is very good. What are the privileges of Church and Sabbath School this summer?
Anyone from the Center neighborhood drafted? Hope Oscar will come out as an officer in one of the 3 veteran Regiments. Will both of Ezekiel Bates’ boys go or will they pay over.
I would advise all to go who have not family responsibilities to prevent. The Rebellion is getting rather shaky about the foundations. It grows smaller and weaker. This Army is powerful and will soon be tremendous if the Conscrips are put into it as is expected. In fact officers have gone for them from every Regiment.
We rubbed hard against the flank and rear of Lee’s army as they were just finishing their march past Manassas Gap. Grant now starts for Mobile I suppose and Rosecrans for Chattanooga & Atlanta where he breaks the Great Western Thoroughfare – I mean the R.R.
If the Lord continues to bless all will be well. Sorry we failed so signally at Ft. Wagner near Charleston S.C. Now is a time for prayers as always also a time for renewed and earnest efforts – of course I would like to see home & mother but I am content to stay if any thing is to be done to finish the war in the right way.
Your Affectionate Son
Charles Henry Howard to his mother, Eliza Otis Howard [Charles Henry Howard Collection]