Company drill this morning and battalion this afternoon. Our Lieut. Bartels drilled was in skirmishing as he did yesterday. Col. West put us over a course this afternoon. It was thorough and long. Noble brought me some soft bread today, and I have lived. Toast tonight. Called to see the Hospital Steward this evening. A long talk. Onions and crackers for luncheon. No letters from Maine for sometime. Have been disappointed. Furnished Butler with two columns today. Reports of an advance. Also reports of drills to be resumed tomorrow. Fine and warm day.
First Maine Battery of Light Artillery
October 2, 1863
A very rainy day wind nearly all day. At 4 o’clock it cleared off. An execution came off close by.
Diary of Henry Hastings Hunt [Henry Hastings Hunt Collection]
September 30, 1863
In afternoon moved camp about a mile just beyond Hd Qrs.
Diary of Henry Hastings Hunt [Henry Hastings Hunt Collection]
September 26, 1863
Quite windy otherwise very pleasant. In afternoon [illegible name] and I rode to Culpepper went all through the place. Several shops were open. Plenty of tobacco. Some pretty […] girls.
Diary of Henry Hastings Hunt [Henry Hastings Hunt Collection]
September 25, 1863
Very pleasant today. Got my horse shoed in the morning. Rode out in the country in the afternoon. Went with the commissary.
Diary of Henry Hastings Hunt [Henry Hastings Hunt Collection]
September 3, 1863
August 31, 1863
Remained in camp nearly all day. Carried some medicine to Adjt.
August 28, 1863
Remained in camp all day – very pleasant and cool. […] A beautiful evening – the moon within one night of being full.
August 27, 1863
Remained in camp in the forenoon in the afternoon when up to [illegible], staid till the mail came. Got a letter from C. and one from H.B.J.
Capt. came back this evening.
August 26, 1863
Quite cool and comfortable today. Went to [illegible] in the afternoon and drew rations for the month. Hot a letter from Mary in the evening.