Remained in camp all afternoon. […] Drew 10 days rations.
First Maine Battery of Light Artillery
August 2, 1863
Marched about 4 miles and took position on the banks of the River. Left the wagons with By “B” – they commenced to rebuild the R.R. Bridge. Will complete it in a few days – all quiet – very hot.
August 1, 1863
Make camp as [illegible] marches by Beulitin to Rappahannock Station […] by not. A sharp Cavalry filled in afterward and evening Otis said that Mr. [illegible] was driven seven miles from the River.
July 30, 1863
Lay all day in camp reading Russell’s “Diary North and South”
July 25, 1863
Moved out at 8 o’clock pass through the town and followed the road over the plains to [illegible] Junction getting in at 4 o’clock. The 11th Corps arriving in at the same time.
July 17, 1863
Remained in camp today. Rainy. Quite sick with a cold. […] Got a letter from mother written Jul 3rd.
Diary of Henry Hastings Hunt [Henry Hastings Hunt Papers]
July 12, 1863
In morning moved Hosp to [illegible] tower. The Rebs retreating and our troops following slowly. Some prisoners brought in.
June 7, 1863
Spent the forenoon inspecting the new wagon. Everything quiet again. The Sixth Camp reported across the river. In afternoon pitched one of the Hop. tents.
May 21, 1863
Spent the day as usual.
I got a letter in evening from Mullen.
Hot and sunny.
April 25, 1863
It has cleared off at length. Today has been very pleasant. A high mind has heaven drying up the mud.
Diary of Henry Hastings Hunt [Henry Hastings Hunt Collection]