The Office of Gender Violence Prevention and Education
Many discussions about sexual harassment and gender-based violence were originally sponsored by women-affiliated organizations. Today, the Office of Gender Violence Prevention and Education (OGVPE) facilitates conversations about gender-based violence against all gender identities. In 2014, Benje Douglas was hired to coordinate Title IX and gender violence prevention and education, and Lisa Peterson Rävar, the host of the event advertised in the poster shown, was hired as an Associate Director of OGVPE in 2015 when the office was officially established. OGVPE sponsors student groups such as Bowdoin Healthy Relationships (BHeRe), fEMPOWER, Healthy Masculinities, Bowdoin Men Against Sexual Violence (BMASV), and V Space to provide support for victims of gender-based violence and educate the Bowdoin community about ways to create a safer campus for everyone.
Talking about Trauma, poster, 2020