Gender Violence Education
Conversations regarding sexual violence have occurred at Bowdoin for years and will continue to occur as we work toward a safer campus for all. The 1987 publication of anonymous stories of sexual violence mirrors the focus of the production of RISE: Untold Stories of Bowdoin Women. RISE originated in the 1990s as an annual performance of The Vagina Monologues by Eve Enseler. In 2017, a group of women students altered the production to feature Bowdoin women’s experiences. They produced the first performance of RISE, and the tradition has continued to today. Sponsored by the student group fEMPOWER and the Office of Gender Violence Prevention and Education, the show features a cast of actors who share anonymous experiences of Bowdoin women with the goal of initiating conversations to end gender-based violence.
“Rethinking Sex,” Women’s Resource Center brochure, 1987
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